Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Forgettable Girl

Jasmina Udo was not pretty. She led an indolent life, and so her body reflected it - the roundness of her fingers, her neck, her face. Even her voice was not left untouched. When she spoke, her throat gurgled and her words were garbled. When she smiled, her face reminded him of a monkey complete with a large set of teeth and an abundance of gums. In those moments, he felt no guilt in saying she was hideous for a girl.

When her face held no emotions, she was very plain. Average hair, average forehead, average eyes - though noticeably larger than average, and nose and mouth. In those moments however, there was a sense of bloodlessness - a lack of substance about her. As if he was in the company of a cadaver, and everything about her was, in every way, forgettable. Still the more he looked at her face, an indescribable feeling, a deep foreboding fear, crept over him and swallowed him. But Alek needed only to close his eyes to forget her face. To bask in the pleasure of her absence. However, he could not never wipe her existence away.

Alek thumbed his cane which rested between his legs. His favorite cane out of the many his father had brought over from Arsuide. This one in particular, his father had stated, was given to him by the Chief of Arsuide himself the previous year for his thirteenth birthday. The head of a lion decorated the collar. An emblem used only by the House of Belenus.

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